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Equity vs. Non-Equity - Data Mining


It happens in your showroom….every day…..You sell a customer a vehicle that has a lot of equity is their trade-in.

This also happens in your showroom…..every day…..You sell a customer a vehicle that has a lot of negative equity in their trade-in…

So…does data mining for customers that ONLY have equity make sense?

You have assumed that the customers with negative equity will be unwilling to make another purchase!!!

You couldn’t be more wrong!!!

Customers ALL have their own unique motives to make another purchase….

Maybe they need a bigger vehicle….maybe they see the new body style and fall in love…maybe its because they just don’t like the vehicle anymore…

And since they can make another purchase at any time……shouldn’t you consistently reach out to ALL of your customers in your database to make sure that they feel part of the family?

Data mining……it’s not just for equity……


Life Evolves - Data Mining


Everyone’s life evolves….

Everyone’s automotive life evolves also!!

We start out young, not much caring what vehicle we have….sometimes it’s the “family car” hand down…

But as we get older, we start to make conscious decisions on what type of vehicle we really want. Some decisions are based on style….some decisions are based on need….needing a family vehicle or needing a working vehicle….some decisions are based on a whim…as we need to fulfill life’s shortcomings…..

We all go through our own unique phases in life….and our automotive needs change with each one of these phases….

Data mining is understanding that life evolves….make sure you’re in front of your customer when their automotive life evolves….




Planting the Seed - Data Mining


The key to success when you data mine the database of customers, is to make sure you “plant the seed” from the day of delivery…..that’s right….plant the seed while the customer is taking delivery of their vehicle!

Convey to your customer, on delivery, that you always have a huge need for great pre-owned vehicles…..convey to them….it’s difficult to find the right vehicles and that the vehicles are in good condition…

At some point in the future…18 months….24 months…30 months down the road….we will want to buy that vehicle back from you!

As a matter of fact…. the best and easiest way we have to replenish our pre-owned inventory is to buy back the vehicles from the customers that are currently driving them!

“Plant the seed”… from the day of delivery!


Watering the Seed - Data Mining


The key to data mining… is always being top of mind awareness with all your customers…

The dealership needs to constantly communicate with all the customers in the database…

And in every communication, you need to make mention, that you are always in need of great pre-owned vehicles…..and that you’ll want to buy theirs back …..very soon….

You need to continually emphasize that you need the customers vehicle….and the customer would be doing the dealership a “favor” by letting them purchase back their vehicle…

Every email need to convey this…..every phone call needs to mention it….and every time the customer comes in for service….they hear this….

Keep telling them every time and in every way!!


Service Drive Process Overview - Data Mining


The Service Drive is the BEST resource for more business!

I have literally been selling vehicles in the Service Drive since 1991! Well before any data-mining systems were invented! 

I have spoken at industry trade shows and 20 Groups about it for many years. I also have over 4 hours of Webinars on “How to really sell vehicles from the Service Drive”! 

You can call, email or direct mail your customers, but NOTHING replaces a handshake and a face to face conversation with your customers…..and that can happen in the Service Drive! 

But first….you must develop the people, process, word tracks and follow-up to be successful!!


Service Drive Metrics - Data Mining


Let’s talk about the HUGE opportunity, you have, to sell vehicles in the service drive!

I’ve done over 4 hours of webinars, explaining how to really sell vehicles in the service drive.

It’s also a topic that I have spoken about at several automotive conferences….

I’ve been training and selling vehicles in service drives for over 20 years…

I can guarantee you this…..there is a minimum of 1 vehicle a day you can sell out of your service drive….IF…and I say IF….you have a complete and comprehensive data mining process in place.

In several stores I have trained this process, they are selling 100 plus vehicles a month out of the service drive….

The service customers are your best source of new business….since they are already at the dealership with their vehicle!!

They are there!!! You don’t have to try to contact them to set up an appointment to come in to sell them another vehicle…..because they are there!!!!

Take advantage of it and speak with them!!!

Service Drive - Speak with Everyone - Data Mining


I believe it is extremely important to speak with ALL your customers that come through the Service Drive!

Peoples live evolve, and so do their automotive needs!

By consistently “watering the seed” in your Service Drive, you will find customers that need a different vehicle….and for different reasons!

Maybe the children are getting bigger! Maybe their driving habits have changes! Maybe they looked at the “New model” and love the body style or new equipment that is now available on the vehicle!

By telling the customer that you value their business, you will set the stage for a sale further down the road!

Remember….A customer that regularly services their vehicle at the dealership, is 7 times more likely to purchase another vehicle form that dealership!!!

Keep them coming back by speaking with everyone!!


Why Data Mining Fails in Most Stores


I have traveled all across the United States speaking with Dealerships about data mining.

Some dealerships take massive action to harvest all the opportunities out of their database! Unfortunately, MOST dealerships, do not take this massive action.

Data mining should be the focal point of your day to day business!

It is MUCH less expensive to retain a customer, than it is to find a new customer!

If your dealership does not have a well-crafted, executed daily process, on correctly data mining your database of customers, you won’t be able to expand your business effectively!

I’ve been data mining in stores that I have run and owned for 25 years!

Data mining…..the most cost effective way to expand your business!!